Curricular Vitae
Miss Norashikin Binti Abdul Rahman was born in 1980 and graduated from Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (previously known as Kolej Agama Sultan Zainal Abidin) in 2001 with Diploma in Insurance. She then further her study and graduated the Bachelor of Laws degree with honors from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2005.
She started her career in legal practice by reading in the chamber of Messrs. Zachery & Azman on May 2005. She was called to the Bar on June 2006 and later joined that firm as a Legal Assistant. During that period, she was exposed to various type of conveyance and general litigation matter. She was also exposed to the accident claims, adoption, probate, criminal and other civil matter.
She later joined Messrs. Ahmad Rasyid Ismail & Co, Batu Pahat, Johor as a Legal Assistant from November 2006. Purposely, she desires to develop her practice proficiency into Syariah matter as well as in other area of law. Afterward, she has been qualified as a Syarie Counsel in the State of Johor on February 2007.
She has handled and conducted cases of Syariah litigation matter in Johore including divorce matter, isbath, hadhanah, hibah and criminal defense. Besides, she has also handled and conducted various type of conveyance and in general litigation including divorce proceeding, administration of estates, accident claim and so forth.
She was the senior legal assistant and the syar’ie counsel of the firm until she left on June 2010 to form partnership with another lawyer.